D-TECT - Pentesting the Modern Web

D-TECT - Pentesting the Modern Web 

D-TECT is an All-In-One Tool for Penetration Testing. This is specially programmed for Penetration Testers and Security Researchers to make their job easier, instead of launching different tools for performing different task. D-TECT provides multiple features and detection features which gather target information and finds different flaws in it.


  • Any platform using Python 2.7


  • Python 2.7
  • Modules(included): Colorama, BeautifulSoup


  • Sub-domain Scanning
  • Port Scanning
  • Wordpress Scanning
  • Wordpress Username Enumeration
  • Wordpress Backup Grabbing
  • Sensitive File Detection
  • Same-Site Scripting Scanning
  • Click Jacking Detection
  • Powerful XSS vulnerability scanning
  • SQL Injection vulnerability scanning
  • User-Friendly UI 
Usage :


Banner Grabbing:  

Click Jacking Detection:

Port Scanner : 

WP Backup Grabber : 

Sensitive File Detection : 

Cross-Site Scripting [ XSS ] Scanner : 

SQL Injection [ SQLI ] Scanner :

Sub-domain Scanner : 

WP Username Enumeration: 

Same Site Scripting detection : 

Download D-Tect : Download 1 - Download 2 - Mirror 

1 Response to "D-TECT - Pentesting the Modern Web "

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